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 Greatest lyrics what ever was

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4 posters
Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

Posts : 19524
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Registered : 2008-05-06

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Name: Loxxikus
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Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 6:40 am

Here I come
They call me
A beast like none before
I suck the abscess of dead infants
I want some more
I Am Baby Killer
I kill pregnant sluts and whores!!

Splaying inside the womb
Red and wet I tear chunks from the pussy Red and wet mangled unborn baby
Eat the meat dripping from filthy...
Cumstained, blood-soaked, rotten cunt Infant skull exploding in my mouth
It's brain on the floor
I grab it's tongue and tear it out
Dead meat for me. I can't believe
How much this baby is bleeding
It's tiny stumps pours out more
Than it's dead mothers open sores
It's guts paint the floor
It's flesh I shall gorge.
It seems feasting on young infant flesh has made my semen leak.
I am aroused. Fuck I'm crazy
I fuck the blood. I need meat on my cock.
No meat can satisfy me. I must spew my seed
Spunk flows throughout the mangled infant. now I'll chop it up
Chunks of guts fly as i stand with baby skin all over me
Forcing the blood-soaked gore unmercifully down my throat
Pieces of baby are lodged inside of me
Over and over I feast on it's death
It's all gone. I want some more
I turn to it's mother
Blood is still flowing strongly from her butchered pussy
I drink from her fountain, stench of menstrual gore
Gagging on chunks of sliced up pussy
I feel pressure....
Pushing in my brain
The force caves in my head
My eyes eject slowly
Where's my knife?
I plunge my knife in
Inside my head
My veins are seeping
Warm streams of red
My tongue tastes so horrid
I must swallow it
Gore taste so scrumptious
Enough to wash it down with piss
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Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2008 2:34 pm


A cute little bunny with a family of his own
Goes out one day to bring some supper home
Then SMACK goes a semi as it smashes him dead
Cracking open his furry bunny-rabbit head
There was blood on the road, there was brains on the path
Poor little bunny, half and half
And as the heat of the sun dried the blood to his bones
Poor little bunny ain't going home.

Blood and guts, brains and noses
Poor little bunny ain't got no toes-es
Listen to me because I want a reaction
All I ever find is a steaming little pile of

Intestines on my tire
Do you want a rabbit's feet?

-Can you... pass the ketchup-

Furry little squirrel, looking for some nuts
-just hand me a napkin-
And then a Hyundai hits it
Spewing out his guts
And the deer, if you could call it that,
We found up on the rocks and PQQQUUICK!
On the windshield goes Mr Fabby Fox

Blood and guts, pus and boogers
All I ever find are the mutilated cougars
Listen to me because I want a reaction
All I ever find is just a steaming little pile of

Intestines on my tire
Do you want a rabbit's feet?
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Posts : 9037
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 1:59 am

I bathe in feces daily
it makes me run faster than Deuce Staley
I'll make you vomit on pee
and make you gag until you feel sorry.
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Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 9:50 am

Whores that suck dick for money
I will kill with no forgiveness
They need to be taught a lesson
In butchery

I will leave them dead and bleeding
After giving them a beating
With my hammer I will smash the teeth
Out of their fuckin face

These cocksuckers will pay the price when
I fuck their faces with my knife
I will force my blade down their throats
As if it were my massive dick

The streets are filled with dirty whores
I'll show them what that pussy's for
They'll be forced to drink the swill
That spews from my erection

You sluts I'll show you all the way to everlasting pain and torture
To take your lives is why I live, for your crimes you'll be butchered
You'll be forced to suffer through torture, you dead cum dumpster bitches
I'll kill you all then throw your slaughtered asses in the ditches

I need a prostitute to fill with my diseased liquid
Stalking the dark street corners I find a cunt that lives to suck the dick

I'll kill that dirty bitch

I force that pig into my van and then I proceed to beat her
Blood spurts forth from every wound and splatters on me
With my knife I must sever her head and take it with me
She will now be forced to suck the cock
Fell the urge

Dead hookers fill my crawlspace, all of them decapitated
They have all gotten what they deserved, every single head I've masturbated
I won't stop until I have killed every slut walking the streets
They will be punished for their ways, forever to suck dicks in hell
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Posts : 1402
Age : 30
Registered : 2009-07-15

Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:43 pm

If you want me to
I could hang 'round with you
If I only knew
That's what you're into.
You and him
Him and you
If that's what
You're into
Him hanging 'round
Around you
You're hanging 'round
Yeah, you're there too.
And if you want me to
I will take off all my clothes for you
I will take off all my clothes for you
If that's what you're into
How 'bout him
In the nude?
If that's what
You're into.
In the nude in front of you
Is that what you'd wanna view?
If it's cool with you
I'll let you get naked too
It could be a dream come true
Providing that's what you are into
Is that what
You're into?
Him and you
In the nude?
That's what he's prepared to do
Is that the kind of thing you think you might be into?
And then maybe later
We get hot by the refrigerator
In the kitchen next to the pantry
You think that might be what you fancy?
In the buff
Being rude
Doing stuff
With the food
Getting lewd
With his food
We heard that's what you are into
Then on our next date
Well, you could bring your roommate
I don't know if Stu is keen to
But if you want we could double-team you
How about you
And two dudes?
Him, you and Stu
In the nude
Being lewd with two dudes with food
Well, that's if Stu's into it, too
All the things I'd do
The things I'd do for you
If I only knew
That's what you're into
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Greatest lyrics what ever was Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greatest lyrics what ever was   Greatest lyrics what ever was I_icon_minitime

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