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 Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend Empty
PostSubject: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 1:26 am

In the next Kerrang! magazine, SLIPKNOT drummer Joey Jordison speaks frankly about his long-running, and very private, battle with drug addiction for the first time.

"I realized I had a problem with narcotics when I realized that I wasn't just hurting myself, I was hurting the people around me," Jordison told Kerrang! "I had a real moment of clarity last year. My girlfriend at the time, a girl who I thought I was gonna be with forever, cheated on me and I went on a three-week coke binge. I actually wrote some of the riffs for the new album ['All Hope Is Gone'] around that time, which is the only good thing to come out of it. But I just wasn't having fun anymore and my family knew it.

"My sister, Annie, kept trying to call me but I didn't want to speak to anyone. The phone was off the hook," he continued. "I didn't answer my door, the lights were off, and I was just fucking ragingly pissed off all the time. So she sent me a picture of my nephew. He was trying to play drums and he was wearing one of my old masks. And so I called her and she put him on the phone and he said 'I love you, uncle Joey,' and I was like 'Fuck it, I'm done. This is fucking stupid.' I realized I was basically fucking dying. It took that to make me realize what was really important in my life and that I'd done a lot of mean things to people."

Jordison also told Kerrang! that he's already bought his own grave.

"It's over down on Second Avenue [in SLIPKNOT's home town of Des Moines, Iowa]," he said. "That's what being in SLIPKNOT does to you."
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Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 2:16 am

Its always good to admit that you have a problem. Congrats go to Joey for getting clean.
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PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 05, 2009 2:51 am

Good for him ^_^
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Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 9:44 pm

maybe that's why he's such a crappy drummer
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Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 10:46 pm

Cghost wrote:
maybe that's why he's such a crappy drummer

Because he's straight or because he was on coke?
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend Empty
PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2009 11:22 pm

Nothing crappy about his drumming. What he does, he does well.
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PostSubject: Re: Joey Jordison: Coke Fiend   Joey Jordison:  Coke Fiend I_icon_minitime

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