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 I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 5:33 am

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The fuck?
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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 7:21 am

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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 9:01 pm

link will not load, but that seems pretty sci fi-ish.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

Posts : 19524
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Name: Loxxikus
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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 9:14 pm

This is all it says:

From the file marked “Evidently, many scientists have never seen even one scary sci-fi movie”: The Defense Department is funding research into battlefield robots that power themselves by eating human corpses. What could possibly go wrong?

Since they apparently don’t own TVs or DVD players, researchers at Robotic Technology say the robots will collect organic matter, which “could” include human corpses, to use for fuel. But if you picked up anything on flesh-eating robots over the years you know they’ll ignore that tasty soybean field and make a chow line right to the nearest dead body. And, if the machines can’t find enough dead people to eat, they can always make new ones.

Researchers seem to get a kick out of ensuring the demise of the human species, so the project is called the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, or EATR. readers looking to save time and trouble are invited to begin marinating themselves in a mix of 10W30 and Heinz 57 Sauce immediately
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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 9:35 pm

I looked at the link and I thought 'holy shit, that's awesome'.
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Posts : 2836
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Registered : 2008-10-01

I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 9:39 pm

That seems really stupid. They should not do anything like that. I don't want to be attacked by a zombot Sad
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Posts : 1402
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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 9:53 pm

It's one fuckin' hell of a way to go out, though.
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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke Empty
PostSubject: Re: I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke   I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke I_icon_minitime

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I saw this on IGN and thought it was a joke
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