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Registered : 2009-07-15

m13-5/m1:35 Empty
PostSubject: m13-5/m1:35   m13-5/m1:35 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:21 pm

Where did the inspiration for the name come from? Does is mean anything?
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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m13-5/m1:35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: m13-5/m1:35   m13-5/m1:35 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:28 pm

It's a rather stupid thing that no longer has any meaning to me. Chalk it up to stupid high school kids.

So, everyone knows I'm a really big Slipknot fan. All of the members have numbers. And there was false trivia going around in the early days of the band's fame that '5' got his name from 133x5+1=666 This came about because he had the habit of calling himself 133 instead of his real name. So... back then... myself, my ex, and a friend of mine were big Slipknot fans. So we started using the numbers ourselves. I was 133, my ex was 5, and my friend was 1. Then I shaved off the second 3 and it became 13. And I had 'M' because back when I was like 10 I would go in chatrooms as Munk (Korn... blah...) So, I used M13-5 (signifying myself and my ex) as a suffix for whatever name I was using at the time. For instance, Lox came from me using the name DevilockM13-5. Anyway, yeah... that's where m13-5 came from. And I always pronounced it m one three five, but no one else did. One day I was talking about merch designs, and since my name is 4 letters I was talking about how it would look on a zip up hoodie... and thinking people would call it m one thirty five. And then I thought "Hey, that sounds better than what I'm already calling myself." The name has no meaning to me now, I just like the way it looks and sounds. Very few people actually get this explanation because of how stupid I feel it is.
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Posts : 1402
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Registered : 2009-07-15

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PostSubject: Re: m13-5/m1:35   m13-5/m1:35 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:31 pm

I used to pronounce m13-5 as m thirteen five, but the m1:35 makes it seem more like m one three five, which is what I call it now.

Interesting story.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

Posts : 19524
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Name: Loxxikus
Rank: Sith Cadet
Experience Points: 25/100

m13-5/m1:35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: m13-5/m1:35   m13-5/m1:35 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 3:43 pm

More like lame story.
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PostSubject: Re: m13-5/m1:35   m13-5/m1:35 I_icon_minitime

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