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 Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:06 pm

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:16 pm

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:19 pm

I've seen it. And posted it before.

Let's just start doing video responses to each other.
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Posts : 9037
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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:19 pm

This was my video response. :p
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:22 pm

Tongue I did lol, though.

But I mean make a new video. Batting
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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 4:29 am

The sound in this video is improved Happy

Anyways, will you ever get around to doing a Devourment cover, m1:35?
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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 5:02 am

you're the man Blooge
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 7:47 pm

X-pert74 wrote:
The sound in this video is improved Happy

Anyways, will you ever get around to doing a Devourment cover, m1:35?
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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see   Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see I_icon_minitime

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Apparently Blooge isn't looking at IGN so I'm posting it here so he MIGHT see
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