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 Ugh. Vent/whine time

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Registered : 2009-07-18

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PostSubject: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 2:05 am

So I have what is likely at the very minimum shin splints or some sort of sprain (though it would be multiple, because BOTH my knees, and BOTH my shins, and BOTH my feet and ankles are aching BAD). Of all the time I spent doing track and cross country in high school, with much longer and more intense physical activity, I've never been as hurt or as sore as this. I'm sure it's because the valet job I have has picked up and I've therefore been doing lots more running than I had been to start (when I was only getting one job per week). The deeper reason though, I'm sure, is because I was/am still very out of shape and have been wearing the wrong shoes. See, they say you have to wear black shoes. Being that I couldn't afford to go out and buy new black running shoes, I was forced to choose from what black shoes I had in my closet: dress shoes and basketball shoes. Naturally, I went with the basketball shoes. I figured it made sense, since playing basketball requires agility and running in short bursts, the same as valet. Boy was I wrong. I've had a perma-limp and daily-increasing pain and soreness for the past week. The weird thing about it is that the boss still loves me. He worked a job with me earlier this week and said he noticed my limp (before I ever brought it up to him) but that he'd still rather have me work instead of most others, saying I was still faster and of course also not a dumbass/with a poor attitude. And of course, this company offers absolutely nothing in the way of either workman's compensation or health insurance, and I have no insurance (or money) of my own.

So I worked a double today, basically able to go at half-jogging speed for most of the first shift. For the second shift I was put on traffic control, which involved no running or driving, except occasionally to help out when they got backed up, and I was also cut early. That was his "gift" to me, telling me to rest up for my next double, tomorrow. The first shift should be okay. It's just at the mall, and the parking lot we use is literally right next to where the cars come in and there are no hills (should also be good for my stick shift practice lol). The evening shift, however, is supposed to be a "nightmare," complete with hills, mud, gravel, long runs and rain. If I don't break down before and actually make it to this shift, I'll likely be moving in a jogging form but at a walking pace. If anybody has a problem, I'll be straight up and just tell them that I can't move quick, and what happens after that is whatever. After completing that shift, I don't have any jobs I'm committed to until New Year's Eve. So I'll likely opt not to take any shifts for at least the first few days of next week, and try to get into some sort of free clinic. I don't think it'll do much of any good really though, since the kind of things they usually do there is tell you what they think could be wrong with you and then send you to a specialist lol. It sucks, cuz with my injury, it's not a broken bone I don't think, so it's not like it can be seen or felt plainly, and there's not even any discoloration or to my surprise, swelling. My legs look completely normal, but they hurt more than ever before.

And with that, I'll obviously be missing at least three days of potential work, which would likely work out to be $200 or so I'm not making. Then, add in whatever I may be paying at the clinic/specialist to probably just get looked at and not even treated (I seriously think they may want to do an MRI, and those ain't cheap). Then there's always the chance that it could be serious and I need work done and/or extended time off my feet. So the job I took because I needed to make money, could end up costing me money.

Now, my savings are dwindling. By February, my unemployment is supposed to run out and my student loans are supposed to come off of deferment status. Also in February, my roommate is kicking me out. Applying for extensions for both unemployment and loan deferment, those are doable, but definitely not a guarantee. Finding a new place to stay, that's usually never hard, but finding a place cheap enough, that's the problem.

Processing all of these recent developments, I see myself as having three options (these options are ranked by both how preferable they are [descending from most preferable], as well as how attainable they are [ascending from least attainable]:

Option one: not really an option, but instead just an extremely unlikely, and of course most preferable, outcome: Of all the jobs I am or have been applying to, one will finally contact me, have some interviews, and hire me at a very good wage/salary and allow me to start soon.

Option two: this broad I used to bang still likes me, and says that she wants to both move out of her mom's house and break up with her boyfriend and get with me. If I can convince her to break up with him, move into some gutter-ass, dirt cheap, tiny apartment, and not have any luxuries like cable tv or internet, and to do it all within the same time frame that I am on, I could be saving something in the neighborhood of $200 a month. If I can do that and then also qualify for food stamps, saving that much more each month might Might MIGHT be enough that I can get by.

Option three: join the fucking military.
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Posts : 9037
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Title : Blüge
Registered : 2008-05-09

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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Ugh. Vent/whine time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 3:12 am

You can throw in "Go to Jail" with option three. Government still pays for you.

But Option one might happen. Today Taylormade called me back. It's been like 2 months? I don't know. But they say they have another opening that is better suited for me and want me to come in.

So yeah things could be looking up for you too.

As for the rest of your problems and this one, Obama is taking care of it. Tongue
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Registered : 2009-07-18

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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 4:23 am

yeah, I'm too much of a pessimist really. Not like I'm not trying, but my confidence really isn't in it.

I finally found some good advice about becoming a mailman, though it's not any particularly good news. I'm sure I've mentioned that becoming a mailman has always been one of my top most preferred jobs. What I've always understood about what it takes is to basically work as a mail sorter for years and work your way up the seniority chain. Turns out it's a little different. There's an actual "postal exam" that you have to take and get at least a %70 on, and obviously a higher score puts you higher on the list and gets you in for interviews faster. Aside from doing well on that, the only other stuff is to preferably have Veteran's Preference (meh), pass a physical and drug test, and wait for openings. That last part is the hardest: currently, the wait time to go through the whole process and get hired on, if you're lucky enough to beat out the dozens/hundreds/thousands going for the same spot, averages two years.
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Posts : 9037
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 4:54 am

You never told me you want to be a mailman. Tongue

And wouldn't that be kind of strenuous with your shin splints and all?

Have you tried UPS? That's almost kinda the same plus the uniforms look better.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 5:07 am

I know I've mentioned it to a lot of people as a likely "dream job" lol, though maybe only in-real-lifers.

UPS actually is more like what I thought the USPS to be like from before, where you do work in a mail/stock room/warehouse for a long time and work your way up. It's at least as bureaucratic as the USPS, just in a different way. And it usually takes even longer than the two years, closer to five actually, but you're actually working for the company and getting paid by them in the meantime, obviously.

Most mailmen make $18-21/hour to start. Most Fed-EX/UPS drivers make $65-90K per year, so it's substantially more than the USPS and with mostly comparable benefits.

But the legs would be fine. I'm kind of naturally a fit person, high metabolism and all that kinda stuff. I just put myself in bad situations by letting myself go for so long and by doing silly things like not wearing running shoes for when I was running. I'm sure I'm injured, but I'm also pretty sure it's something I should recover from quickly enough, and also something I've hopefully learned a lesson from to not let happen again Tongue
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Posts : 9037
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Title : Blüge
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Ugh. Vent/whine time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 5:38 am

Good thing you made this long thread to say you were injured now you say you'll be alright because of your wolverine healing powers. Tongue
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 11, 2010 3:14 pm

Any time out is detrimental, and there is the chance that it could be serious/long-term. That was my main point. I'm more concerned with the immediate health and money problems currently looming than with the hypothetical distant future. lol come on now.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 4:53 pm

Giving myself three days off, today's the second. Don't feel any improvement. If it's still the same tomorrow, I'm going to the clinic.
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Posts : 9037
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Title : Blüge
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Ugh. Vent/whine time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 5:34 pm

You gotta suck it up like Brett Favre and play through the pain.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 5:40 pm

I usually have no problem with that, but like I said, I've never felt anything as bad as this, so I don't want to make it worse especially if it is anything more than sprains and aches.
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Posts : 9037
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Ugh. Vent/whine time Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 7:19 pm

Are you eating bananas?
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 8:26 pm

no, I hate bananas lol.
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 13, 2010 11:44 pm

You should, the potassium levels will alleviate your pain.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 2:58 pm

Boss called me last night. The event I was scheduled to work today was canceled, and he had no replacement shift for me. So my three days off in a row has turned into four days. It's a good thing too, since my legs only feel marginally better, so an extra day will help. The shift was at a retirement home too, so I would have made squat for tips anyway lol.

Also, I finally got a call from one of the state departments about an interview. I'm so excited I feel like buying stuff, but I know it's too soon for that, and I shouldn't. I still might end up getting a small little something, but I should still be doing more important things today, like resting, looking for cheap rooms to rent and applying for food stamps lol.
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 5:07 pm

Don't old people tip better than young people?

It seemed that was the case in Up the Yangtze.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 5:42 pm

I have issues with shin splints or something similar (have always blamed it on being overweight). Never had trouble till my junior year of high school--the way we marched in band stretched my shins. I got horrible pain one day randomly and it hurt every day after that (when i marched). Since then, I'm usually okay unless I walk a LOT and especially with no support.

This discouraged exercise because it hurt too bad to get much done. However, the past month or so I have been walking at the track at least 2 times a week. It hurt really bad the first few times, but slowly it has gotten better. The one exception to that is the day I STUPIDLY went walking in Puma's which have to be the WORST walking shoe ever. That day and then the next day when I went walking were the worst pain my shins have ever been in. I felt like I had to start over again with the process, but it was only really bad the day I did it and the next time I went to walk and only slightly the second time after the Puma incident.

All that to say, I walked 3 miles yesterday and 3 miles today and my shins are fine. =)

It is possible the pain is due to micro-stress-fractures which is something you build up tolerance to/strengthen your bones against. It is very important not to over-do it and fuck them up for good. The best case scenario is work out or whatever you do that makes it hurt, then wait until they don't ache to do it again until you build up tolerance. However, that is not always possible.

Good luck, hun--with the leg issues and all other things, too. Hope you get really good news from that state dep't job.
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Posts : 9037
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 8:19 pm

Hey don't knock Pumas. I've got a pair and I think they are one of the more comfortable shoes. Tongue

3 Miles, that's pretty good! No wonder you haven't been around, you've been going walking. Tongue
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 15, 2010 8:37 pm

Old people don't tip for shit unless they are really wealthy. I've worked events where it's just some Christmas party on a big property with no close parking, and got all older folks, like 65 and up, and gotten next to nothing. At that retirement home, I did a shift once where I was tipped out $6 total for three hours and over twenty cars. But, I've also worked with some older crowds at parties thrown by doctors on huge vineyards where most everybody's handing out 5s. The general rule of thumb though, is young and old people don't tip, and people from their late twenties to late forties tip best. There's of course always exceptions and surprises, though.

Pumas really do suck, though. The only people I know who wear them these days are Euro Trash.

If you're gonna wear shoes with that "classic athletic" look, go with Nike Cortez's, Reebok Classics, or New Balance 574s.

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But for that matter, you should just get some actually good walking or running shoes, or at the very least good insoles. That was my mistake: working too hard while wearing the wrong shoes.
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 3:09 am

I like my Pumas--I got them for $40 on Black Friday--they just are not good for walking long distances for me because there is ZERO support . They are comfortable, in general, and perfect for most occasions--grocery shopping, running errands, etc..

I have a pair of New Balances that are better, but they are old and starting to fall apart. I do need to invest in some good walking shoes. Going Christmas shopping with my step-mom tomorrow. Might suggest it/pick some out as a present for me. Haha
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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PostSubject: Re: Ugh. Vent/whine time   Ugh. Vent/whine time I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 16, 2010 3:10 am

Fashion show!
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