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 My brother

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3 posters
Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

Posts : 6355
Age : 38
Location : Ur-anus huhuhu
Title : hoardin' up
Registered : 2008-06-14

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PostSubject: My brother   My brother I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 8:48 pm

just came into the kitchen, looked in the fridge, and very disgruntlingly uttered under his breath something about "more fucking sugar," probably in relation to us not having much food at the moment, though there's quite a bit of sweet stuff hanging around, lol. So, he's really pissed about it.

But the thing is, he's 31 for crying out loud. Does he really need to rely on mommy and daddy to buy him food he wants to eat? He really pisses me off, because he drinks more milk and juice than anyone, but never buys any of it. I've bought food for the family plenty of times.

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Title : Hookers and blow
Registered : 2011-01-18

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PostSubject: Re: My brother   My brother I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 8:57 pm

maybe he should go get a fucking job
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: My brother   My brother I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 9:23 pm

Doesn't he work at the bakery, too?
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

Posts : 6355
Age : 38
Location : Ur-anus huhuhu
Title : hoardin' up
Registered : 2008-06-14

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PostSubject: Re: My brother   My brother I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 24, 2011 10:25 pm

He does, but I dunno—my dad's not a very good businessman, to be honest. It's difficult for him to pay for all the bills and pay all of us regularly. My brother kind of gave up asking for regular paychecks; me, I was persistent for years and finally gained access to my dad's checking account, lol. (My account is linked to his, so it's a simple click of a button for me to get paid.)

So, I guess it kind of makes sense for him to expect food, because the way he makes up for not getting paid what he earns, he just figures that's taken out of his paycheck—food, rent, and that. I probably shouldn't be complaining myself, because his situation sucks, lol.

But, if it really bothers him, he could always go find a different job and then buy things. I've asked him before why he doesn't, and he says it's because he likes the amount of free time he's given. Makes sense, but if your situation's shit when you could clearly fix it, there's not really much a reason to complain.
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PostSubject: Re: My brother   My brother I_icon_minitime

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