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 I just got a MILF's phone number.

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Loxx O)))
Abnormal Freak
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:07 pm

I'm on my way to realizing my Dr. Swank, MF dream.

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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:20 pm

sorry, page not found.

dr swank mother fucker. honestly, "dr swank" just by itself is even more badass than the mf tacked on the end there.

and what are you really gonna do? Call her, meet up, she wants to make out and then starts touchin your junk and your chastity issue comes up again and you start talking about jesus and she says, "I was just tryin to get railed by some hot young ginger stud but this is too much you damn crybaby" and bounces? lol
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
Registered : 2008-06-14

I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:33 pm

lol, that seems the most likely.

Though nah, just meeting to drop off some pastries. She's my good friend's step-mom, so it doesn't really count. But I've fantasized about bangin' her since I was 16. That's nine years of wanting to fondle her titties. And at 19, I think I had a really damn good chance to but I got scared, lol. Her husband was going out of town for the week and he said I was the man of the house till he gets back, and that I could even sleep with his wife during that time.

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:38 pm

What? He said you could sleep with his wife?
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:45 pm

Yeah. It could be a trap where he's actually hiding in the closet with an ax waiting to murder me, but he outright said I could go for it. It was a joke, of course, but I feel like there may have been some seriousness there.

I guess she periodically asks her step-son (one of my best friends) when I'm gonna get the courage to make a move, lol.
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:51 pm

lol awesome.

Reminds me of my friend's mom, who is very pretty and sometimes even kinda sexy like when she makes with the cleavage or the tight pants...mmm. Well, she has a sister (which would make her my friend's aunt, for those only casually following along) that's also pretty hot and I'm not sure about single or married. Anyway, this friend's parents are cool, as in like, the young friends of their kids like hanging out with them and when they throw parties it's a big mix of people spanning a large age group. At a Halloween party they were throwing a few years ago another friend of ours, in his early twenties, was there and mackin super hard on sexy auntie and they even got to like touchin and rubbin in front of everybody. Plenty of jokes were made about him becoming the other friend's uncle lol.

Last edited by roughdraft_zero on Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 6:59 pm

Cougar chicks are rad.

Said mom of my pal's, she's in her 50s but really bangin' hot. She's got some of the giganticest titties I've seen on a woman with such a thin waist. My mind essplodes when I try to imagine what she looked like in her 20s.

Maybe one day I'll throw my morals aside for a short time to at least do some mackin' and to cop a feel, looool. Then we'll laugh about it for years after. :O

She's just a cool chick. I think the thing that scares me the most about going after her is potentially ruining my relationship with the family. I like my pal's dad and step-mom and her daughters and their husbands and kids and so on. Fun people to be around.

Last edited by Abnormal Freak on Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 7:01 pm

my best friend's dad flirts with me a lot. ESPECIALLY when he is drinking. He wanted to take me to a bar called Flying Saucer (nearest location: Memphis/1.5 hours away) one night when he was drunk and I had to talk him out of it.

He's pretty young -- just turned 38... but his wife is SCARY and very prone to jealousy so I only flirt back if she's not around. Hahaha

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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 7:08 pm


But flirtatious dads are fuckin' creepy. It just doesn't work the same way, lewl.

And the correct term would be DILF.

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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 7:26 pm

it would be creepier if he were older and if he was the biological father to my friend.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 7:27 pm

I suppose that lessens the creepo factor. :o
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 9:30 pm

I was flirting with a 44 year old last week but couldn't close the deal. I wouldn't mind a older woman really.
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2011 9:47 pm

Older women can be sugar mamas.
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 11, 2011 1:04 pm

I enjoyed reading this thread.
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I just got a MILF's phone number. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I just got a MILF's phone number.   I just got a MILF's phone number. I_icon_minitime

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