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 Some people on IGN are retarded

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3 posters
Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Some people on IGN are retarded Empty
PostSubject: Some people on IGN are retarded   Some people on IGN are retarded I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 2:29 pm

"i'm pro-piercing than most, but like honestly, people should get over themselves. self-expression? lol. what does it express, other than that you like having metal in there.

the reason why you got a lip ring is to make people think you're a good kisser. the reason why you got a tongue piercing is so people will think you'll go down on them. the reason why you got a cartilege ring is because you think you will be cooler with one. the reason why you get a clitoral hood piercing is so you can get wet walking up steps.

THERE'S NO SELF EXPRESSION IN THIS CRAP. it's a friggin needle through a body part."

And this guy says all of this in all seriousness...
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Some people on IGN are retarded Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some people on IGN are retarded   Some people on IGN are retarded I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 12, 2008 2:38 pm

Some people here are retarded too.

Haha. Funny retard. Didn't Niko want to get her lip and tongue peirced? Hrm.
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Posts : 8997
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Some people on IGN are retarded Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some people on IGN are retarded   Some people on IGN are retarded I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2008 2:15 am

Heaps of people i know all got piercings because apparently its the cool thing to do. When i was told to get a lip piercing because i'd look good with it i told that person to eat a dick. I'd get tats and thats all.
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Some people on IGN are retarded Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some people on IGN are retarded   Some people on IGN are retarded I_icon_minitime

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Some people on IGN are retarded
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