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 For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me

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3 posters
Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Name: Loxxikus
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For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me Empty
PostSubject: For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me   For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 16, 2008 2:45 am

I bought some Cool Ranch Doritos last night... I had eaten some earlier this afternoon. Tonight I decided I wanted to some more, but they seemingly vanished.

I searched the entire freaking house and was sure that someone had taken them.

Finally after like 15 minutes of being baffled I found them on a couch in the den. I didn't even remember putting them there. It's a really bad place to leave things to. There are 3 regular size couches there and then one huge couch that wraps around the back wall and comes in beside the door... They were on the big couch sitting against the side with it's back to the door. Terrible...
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For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me Empty
PostSubject: Re: For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me   For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 18, 2008 11:12 pm

Nacho Cheeser Doritos > Cool Ranch Doritos
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Posts : 8997
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Registered : 2008-06-01

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Name: Kwee
Rank: Sith Cadet
Experience Points: 25/100

For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me Empty
PostSubject: Re: For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me   For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 19, 2008 3:55 am

Beer + Kebabs > All Doritos
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For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me Empty
PostSubject: Re: For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me   For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me I_icon_minitime

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For a while I could believe there was a God and that it hated me
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