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 That Demon Gate Records guy is pretty funny

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Posts : 1402
Age : 30
Registered : 2009-07-15

That Demon Gate Records guy is pretty funny Empty
PostSubject: That Demon Gate Records guy is pretty funny   That Demon Gate Records guy is pretty funny I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 30, 2011 12:02 am

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"You and your gay pathetic underground shit. This is REAL under-under-underground. This is 3 LAYERS of undergrounditude."
"I apologize. I am sorry."

And it's hard to not laugh at the whole scene from Razorback Records. Everybody's in each other's band on that label, and the whole label is moving on a trend basis. What's "in and underground" gets on the label, and when that changes, the label kicks off the bands that aren't "in" anymore, and recruit more. First it was goregrind like Machetazo and LDOH, then it was thrash/grind/death like Impaled, Ghoul, etc, and now it's "super oldskool underground pure raw death metal" like Decrepitaph and Vacant Coffin. It's also funny how the owner/operator of Razorback Records, the current "Home of raw death METAL", is also the owner/operator of Noise Against Metal Records. loooool.
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That Demon Gate Records guy is pretty funny
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