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 Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?

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Loxx O)))
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 11:49 pm

That is the truth. I seriously had never heard it before. Then after that episode aired fucking everybody was saying it all over the internet and in real life, like I saw that YouTube clip of some fat redheaded kid that for some reason had to defend other redheads that recently had come under attack and were accused of not having souls or some shit. It's just especially weird because yeah, I'd never heard it before, then when that episode of South Park aired and everybody started using it, nobody else ever made mention of not knowing it was used that way before, or at least not used so pervasively.

I think I even kinda remember when watching the commentary Matt & Trey were talking about being kids and calling redheads gingers, and they're in their forties now, so obviously it goes back a while.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 11:55 pm

I don't remember if I'd heard it before or not.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 11:58 pm

I have no idea.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:00 am

i didn't really start hearing of "gingers" and their soullessness until about 2 years ago. no idea when south park even aired it.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:04 am

2005 I think.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:09 am

yeah, i figured it had more to do with the type of people i was around lol
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:32 am

I had heard of the term "ginger", but I had never heard the stereotype that they had no souls until South Park.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:36 am

RespawnedDemon wrote:
I had heard of the term "ginger", but I had never heard the stereotype that they had no souls until South Park.

You got it backwards...I'd heard the no soul thing plenty of times, though to be fair it was just one regular stereotypical insult out of dozens.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 12:36 am

I know I'd never heard the no soul thing before south park.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 1:10 am

I thought it originated from some British thing.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 1:20 am

I used to refer to myself as ginger as I hated the term red head since my hair colour was more ginger than red when I was younger.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 3:18 pm

Being a ginger, I've been called the term for many years.

That and in Conker's Bad Fur Day, a stack of money calls Conker a ginger bastard, lolz.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 4:05 pm

Abz is ginger?!?!?!?!?!
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 4:06 pm

Abnormal Freak wrote:
Being a ginger, I've been called the term for many years.

That and in Conker's Bad Fur Day, a stack of money calls Conker a ginger bastard, lolz.

oh shit I forgot about that game. I'm going to have to go play it tonight.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 4:51 pm

RespawnedDemon wrote:
Abz is ginger?!?!?!?!?!
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 7:28 pm

Pretty sure I didn't hear either ginger or the no soul thing before South Park. Maybe I just never paid attention to it, who knows.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 8:48 pm

Yes. You are the only one.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 9:59 pm

I think I picked it off of Som years back on ign. I never really watched much South Park.

I think I am part-ginger. Goatee and some facial hair is red. There a little red in my hair too (not much) because it tends to go more bronze than white when getting a bunch of sun.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 10:38 pm

youz a mick at all?

I'm somewhere between a quarter and a half Irish (lol at my mongrel ancestors fucking any and everybody and not even knowing what they are) and on those rare occasions that I get real lazy and don't shave for a week or more my facial hair comes in lookin real strawberry-blonde like. I definitely wouldn't call it "red hair," but it's for sure lighter than the rest o' my body hair (mix of brown, grey and jet black for da pewbz, blondeish on arms and legs, and medium brown on head...darker on head when I go some days without shampooing). Funny, cuz when it's just a day or two of stubble, it looks regular medium/dark brown. Only when it's longer does it really lighten up.

My 100% mick friend I met in Florida is kinda similar. He could grow a beard at the drop of a hat. Seriously. If he didn't shave for a week he'd have like a Brian Wilson (SF Giants) beard, but it would be as red as fucken Carrot Top. Looked pretty funny when you looked at it with the hair on his head bein a fairly dark and shiny brown.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2011 10:58 pm

I don't think i'm any mick at all but you never know, i could be a percent or two but doubt it.
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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?   Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park? I_icon_minitime

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Am I the only one who had NEVER heard the word "ginger" as a pejorative term for a redhead before it was on South Park?
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