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 Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.

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Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. Empty
PostSubject: Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.   Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 03, 2011 10:07 pm

I'm trying to sell those Niners tickets as well as an IKEA gift card. Same fucking problem with both of them.

Obviously, I get tons of messages from people just trying to lowball the fuck outta me, or people that say Yeah I'm in then I say ok I'm good too when where how should we do this and then just never hear from their flaky asses again. Whatever, that's fucking standard I guess. But on both the gift card and the tickets I've got some pretty determined and committed people, but they're just too fucking pussy to go through with anything.

The gift card bitch I'm dealing with wants to get the card from me and to check the balance online before she gives me the money. I said ok, but then we found out that there's no way to check the balance online, only in-store and over the phone, but the phone offices are only open 8-5 eastern time. So her solution is me give her the card, she goes to use it/check the balance in the store and then meets me again to give me the money. Fuck off. Then her compromise is she'll give me the money and if it doesn't work she'll come back and get her money back from me. Or she wants me to go way the fuck outta my way to meet her in the store to check the balance together, only for a card with $43 on it that I'm only tryin to get thirty bucks for. Fuck off twice. I have the card in hand, with a receipt from a store showing the balance. If that ain't good enough for you, I ain't doin shit else for you, especially giving it to you on trust or saying I'm willing to offer a fucking refund. This is Craigslist, not an actual IKEA store, bitch.

And the dude that wants the Niners tickets is pissing me off even worse. He was all gung-ho at first, then we didn't meet cuz he was sick. I said fine, whatever other time during the week is fine then. I tried calling and texting him a few times and no answer/response. Fine, yet another Craigslist flake. No big deal. Then he texts me today and apologizes for flaking saying he got sick and was out of town but still wanted to do the exchange. Whatever, great. I show up and he says, "Yeah, uh, so how do I know these are real?" FUCK OFF. He never fucking expressed any concern or asked before, and obviously also didn't do any fucking research before. So I'm fucking wasting my time showing up right now cuz he's a fucking scaredycat. I look up the phone number for Candlestick park and speak to a representative that says he can verify a ticket's validity. I read the barcodes to him, he says both tickets are valid, and homeboy heard all of it because it was on speakerphone. Then he decides to chime in and ask about what could happen if there's a problem when he shows up and the rep on the phone says that if the original account holder decides to report the tickets lost or stolen that the tickets in hand would be invalid at the gate. So the fucking guy does the same shit as the IKEA bitch and asks ME how I can further assure him and guarantee him that the tickets are legit and that nothing will go wrong, and how to go about a refund if needed. FUCK OFF THREE TIMES. The fucker backs out.

I would just do fucking eBay for IKEA but I've gotten burned bad for gift cards on eBay before, Card Woo is a fucking scam, and StubHub ain't doin shit for the tickets. And the NFL Ticket Exchange is supposed to be no better or different from StubHub from what I hear and they have shit for a website because the only shit I see on there is options to buy tickets and nothing about selling them.

fucking weak.
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Posts : 9037
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Title : Blüge
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.   Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 1:47 am

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Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.   Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 5:46 am

yeah, thanks for the same link I've already been to and looked/clicked all over at and couldn't find any info about selling tickets. HUGE HELP YOU ARE.
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Posts : 9037
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Title : Blüge
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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.   Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 04, 2011 8:31 am

Go to that link, click the team, click sell tickets

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Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang.   Fuckin pieces of shit on Craigslist right now mang. I_icon_minitime

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