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 Guitar players

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 21, 2011 10:07 pm

What would be a good and relatively cheap chorus pedal to get? I've got a chorus effect on one of my amps, but it would be nice if I could start playing on the Sunn amp exclusively. It's a minor hassle to unplug from on amp, turn the other on, then plug into it... just so I can use the chorus effect in a song. What I need is a really dreamy and floating type sound. Actually, I just recorded a bit of it real quick so you can hear the sound I need.

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So yeeeeah. Relatively cheap chorus pedal to help get that sound?
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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 12:00 am

I'm not really an expert with effects pedals, but I'd recommend using to find reviews on certain pedals. Boss has some alright pedals that are usually affordable
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 5:07 am

Omnivus on IGN actually suggested I get a Boss Super Chorus. I looked around on ebay and they were going for around $50 with buy it now. On musiciansfriend they're $99. Might try to get one of those.
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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 6:06 am

musicians friend is cheaper than whatever you'd pay at a music shop 9/10 times. That's mainly why I use it when it comes to buying new. Ebay is probably the way to go..or craigslist. I have an ibanez wah pedal and a boss metal zone. Both are meh and I wouldn't recommend the distortion unless you're trying to play thrash or death metal. Since you are trying to get a les paul, you should look into one of those "whammy" pedals. I prefer having a floyd rose for ease of staying in tune, but I never reach down for that whammy in just about any song as there aren't too many breaks or notes being held out long in my band..but anyways what I'm getting at is it's a really useful pedal even if you do have a tremolo of some sort. Best buy usually has a rack of boss efx pedals..chances are they've got a boss chorus pedal that you can try out. I'd recommend doing that or just going online and checking out how they sound.

telling you all this because it sucks when you buy a pedal that isn't what you're really looking for.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 6:28 am

I do have that Les Paul now. The distortion pedal I'm currently using is a Big Muff Pi. Gives a nice crunchy sound, but it's definitely not for people that want to play any moving parts. The tone is really sweet for doom and drone, though. I dunno if I'd ever have use for the sound that a whammy gives. Probably the closest I'd ever come is if I ever wanted a flanger for something. Can't say I really have any ideas for stuff like that. Hell, I really just want the chorus pedal for two songs I've got (which is a big reason as to why I don't want to spend a whole lot on the pedal). Those are played almost entirely clean but I really felt it was lacking something. And suddenly that chorus just hit the right spot and was really floaty and ambient. The other pedal of mine that gets a fair amount of use is my Holy Grail Nano. Actually haven't been using it a lot lately, though. I find that the Sunn amp cuts off my clean guitar so I'll probably be bringing that back in to add a little resonance when I'm not using the distortion. Also have a Fuzz Factory that crapped out on me. I really should open it up and see if I can fix whatever the problem is. That was my most expensive pedal and it was sad when it stopped working.

I really wish I could go somewhere to try out pedals. The nearest Best Buy, Guitar Center, or whatever is like 2 hours. Sucks. That's actually why I was asking here and on IGN for opinions on the pedals. I wasn't entirely certain I wanted to get the pedal I was looking at. Now everyone is saying the Boss Super Chorus. So yeah, I might try to find some samples of it in action online.

And if you are wanting to recommend any other pedals for me to check out or possibly buy, the music I'm playing is heavily inspired by bands like Sunn O))) (which I think may be obvious by the gear that I already have), Dark Castle, Bloody Panda, Khanate, and stuff like that. Really dense and atmospheric stuff. And on a side note... that fucking Les Paul can hold a note for days. Sometimes I'll just strum an open chord then go about my business doing whatever (taking a drink, texting, looking at something online, etc) and it just keeps holding on to it until I'm ready to start playing again. Amazing.
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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 5:06 pm

I know very little about what those bands use, but I may be seeing Dispirit tonight and they probably use some similar pedals

the whammy pedal could help you mess around with feedback, bend notes with a very small tap of your foot which in turn could help the note last longer as normal bent notes die out quicker. Just trying to think from a drone/doom perspective. Big muff is definitely the way to go for fuzz. Buying an E-bow could be nice with ambient/atmospheric sounds.

look into Zvex effects pedals. Boris uses em and so does My Bloody Valentine.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 6:25 pm

The Fuzz Factory is a Zvex. I don't think I've ever heard of an e-bow. Reading up on it right now and those things seem crazy. I think I need one of those.
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PostSubject: Re: Guitar players   Guitar players I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 22, 2011 6:57 pm

Loxx O))) wrote:
The Fuzz Factory is a Zvex. I don't think I've ever heard of an e-bow. Reading up on it right now and those things seem crazy. I think I need one of those.

Yeah, I am trying to get a fuzz factory, e-bow, seek trem, and a loop station of some sort. Probably will spend days at a time messing around with them all
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