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 The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off

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Abnormal Freak
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The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off Empty
PostSubject: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 4:53 am know that feeling when a girl that's hanging out with you on the town is being touchy feely, and giving all the signals of being interested, and then at the end of the night you ask her if she needs a ride home and she says "yes", so you take her home, and then when you get there you ask if she wants to hang out some more and she says "yes" without missing a beat, and then you go in and bullshit for a bit and make a move and rock some second base for a bit, before she's like "...actually, there's this dude in town X, and blah blah blahhity derp". And you're like "well what's the situation with derp fuck and blah blah blah, we can just fool or around or blah blah blah or whatever", and then you end up FUCKING driving her back to get her fucking car wondering why the fuck she would agree to let you give her a lift in the first place.

Or how her friend, who you were stood up by several times after asking her out (and getting the emphatic yes) goes home with some dude in a relationship right in front of you. So after judging her cheating ass you're paradoxically in a sort of similar-ish situation a few hours later (except blindsided and/or lied to about it)

So yeah, here I am, at home. Maybe I should be a bro rapist? I think that's how you get results more consistently.

Anyways, that's my soapboxing (since this seems to be the place). These same people want to get sloppy drunk next, next weekend, so I'm considering getting tanked and calling them both out and throwing some drinks against some floors/walls or something. Should go well Cool

Also, now I'm fucking jacked on red bull vodkas (in anticipation of action) so I'm going to be fucking up for a long ass time. God. Dammit!
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 6:01 am

Shoulda just been throwin glasses around in the first place.

My internet that I pay my neighbor $15 a month to leech off of fucking sucks. It's practically unusable. It's always been kinda up and down in speed and reliability, but a while ago it more or less shut down altogether for a few weeks. She tinkered with it to see what the problem was, and fixed it so that it at least was broadcasting a signal again and could be connected to, but she couldn't figure out how to lock it again, so it was just an open-air signal for a few weeks. That irked her and she decided to have her friend show her how to get it completely fixed, and it was, but ever since then it's been as unreliable as ever: in and out of connection, mostly out, and crawling slower than dial-up. Most websites, even modest ones, try loading and then either give up or only display and function partially, and that's when it's working at its best. Most of the time it just refuses to connect altogether. GAY

Gas fucking blows right now. I haven't actually bought any in about a month, so it was a good 40 cents lower the last time I had to actually get any, but I'm definitely due very soon, and I'm already pissed thinking about putting $80 on my credit card just for a fucking tank of gas.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 6:09 am

Ain't pissed 'bout nothin' right now 'cept I can't sleep at the moment and I need to be up to get all my work done earlier than I normally do (read: when normal people work, and not even [I'm such a lazy ass]) 'cos I'ma HANG WITH MY PAL WHO'S VISITING FROM S. KOREA OHHHHH YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Location : Ur-anus huhuhu
Title : hoardin' up
Registered : 2008-06-14

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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 6:25 am

Oh, I am pissed about this:


Like, I like stuff. A lot of stuff. But I gotta prioritize, yo. Spend money on the stuff I really want. Right now, there are only a few such things. Expensive things. Things I put aside in favor of buying on-sale bullshit. Good bullshit, but comparatively, it's bullshit (and sometimes just flat-out bullshit, period).

Stuff like the Japanese Studio Ghibli Blu-rays. Expensive as hell. Even doing the cheapest route, which is ordering from and getting a few items to even out the shipping cost a little, it's still roughly $73 a movie. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? Despite the price, I love these movies. SOOOOOOOO MUCH. So why the hell am I throwing away money on BULLSHIT (like 1940s Batman serials, seriously wtf) when I could just save up for a little bit and splurge on something MAGNIFICENT?

Yeah. Seriously. Fuck all that. Just canceled a buncha preorders and am gonna back out on some (probably a lot) of the Horror Movie Empire layaways, lol. So fucking what if a Blu-ray's ten bucks? What if the movie's shit or near shit? Then it's a ten dollar turd sitting on my shelf, cluttering space. Fuck that. FUCK—THAT—ANALLY.

F'realz, dawg.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 7:40 am

I'm broke. Had no access to my online banking for a while due to some bullshit. Turns out I have 17$ in my checking, a credit card balance in the high 300s and my savings only has somewhere in the low 400s. Gas tank is close to empty. Was supposed to get a call a dozen times already about a job, but still haven't. Was supposed to get a call about another job, but haven't. Not qualified to become a sperm donor of course. I have guitars I can't seem to get rid of. Had to spend quite a pretty penny on my car to get new tires, a cat converter, and I'm gonna have to pay insurance soon. My cab is shitting out on me. The wheels are falling off/being destroyed over time so getting it on stage and to stand on it's own is a bitch. My amp head sucks of course. Want to buy an axe fx 2, but I don't have 3 or 4k to spend. Can't even afford the god damn Line 6 version of it. Gas is of course going up too. Ron Paul is going to lose as he's clearly being jewed out of a chance. Not going to sell my vidya gaems. Practice space rent is taking a toll on me.. Seriously it feels like selling drugs is the only way to go. Everyone wants them so getting a job dealing should be easy as fuck. Spent a lot of time on this one girl who was supposed to just be a friend with benefits, but she made it clear she doesn't know what she wants so nothing happened. Best friend is caught up in her first real relationship and things don't seem to be going to well. Haven't seen her in a few months and there has been an extreme lack of communication.

On the positive side of things I may have a chance at getting with two girls (not at the same time), I am getting closer and closer to 21, AND the new napalm death leaked.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 7:48 am

Getting with two the same time? Or two separate girls might be separately interested in you? Either way, score I guess. My girly-girl problems are much smaller than they were last week, but my actual situation remains largely the same: in-limbo playing a terrible waiting game. Wouldn't really say I'm "pissed" about it at the moment, though.


All the waiting I've been doing for figuring out what TV I want and trying to snag a good price...yeah, well, I kinda fucked myself. I actually have the level of money I thought I wanted to have saved to take the plunge, but prices are going UP because stock is going down. The select few models I told myself to jump on if the price was right are by and large out of stock everywhere if not just at a shitty price--like, near MSRP-shitty. And what's fucking me even more? Panasonic recently announced their new 2012 models, and they are gooooorgeous. Something that might not be too ass-rapingly gay about me being blinded by these because they're shiny and new, is they actually do also feature specs that I care about with vast improvements, AND their MSRPs are down from last year's models I think entirely across the board. So maybe when these new sets get their first big price cuts, the price would be the same as when I was trying to buy one of last year's but didn't have the money.

Also, I have my tax return coming up and all, but it'll likely be pretty small. In fact, it'll probably be equal to or less than the combined cost of my car registration and insurance renewals, which are due around the same time. So I won't get any sudden "extra pile of cash" this year like I have in years past. That kinda sucks.

[edit]: "(not at the same time)" SAW YOUR EDIT BRO.

lol what good does being 21 do you if you got no money?
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 7:59 am

Girls will come up to me in bars and buy me alcohol before they try to seduce me, duh. I posted here about a girl I was going to ask out with roses and what not even though she had a bf. Well she recently said her and I will be more than friends eventually, which gave me some hope, but we all know how bitchez be. Her and the bf are no longer together together (they still see each other and most likely bang though) and she is in a vulnerable stage. Was all over me recently, but it may have been the few shots she took. The other girl is a fellow beer afficionado, metalhead, RPG fan, and musician. Looking forward to seeing where things go.

edit: and needless to say my sleep schedule is beyond fucked atm. I am posting right now at 4 am.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 8:16 am

roses lol

can't hate on the whole "but she's already got a boyfriend" thing cuz I did it too obviously. Although, in my situation, SHE was the one who came to ME when she still had a boyfriend, not the other way around. It was almost six months ago (fucking insane to think that I've been in this scenario for that long) and I was drunk and she was giving me a ride home, and she said something about she can't wait to get home so she can take her clothes off or something. I joked that she could do that at my place, no need to drive all the way home. She said that it would be tempting. Then she said that it would be VERY tempting. Then she said that she was intimidated by me (something she'd said a few times before and never explained), and I basically finally demanded an explanation as to what in the hell that meant and she finally broke down and said, "intimidating = super hot". So once she broke that barrier, letting me know she was attracted to me, I told her to stop, cuz I felt the same about her but knew she had a boyfriend and didn't want to get in a bad situation or start building feelings or ideas about each other that wouldn't go anywhere. Then she told me that she's been having lots of major problems with him and that she could very much see herself being my girlfriend AND THE REST IS HISTORY

She finally did actually officially break up with dudeguy, and now wants some undetermined amount of single time for herself. It sucks that I'm still just waiting, but thinking about how I'm waiting for her to just plain come to me next as opposed to waiting for her to still break a relationship and then come on over is obviously a better waiting game to be playing, or at least the lesser of two evils.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 9:51 am

I played the waiting game with her previously and sort of am. I met her when she was just getting out of a LTR and I decided to call things off with the girl I was with to have a shot with her. Big mistake. When she was finally ready to get in another relationship she went after some bipolar guy and made plenty of bad decisions. She of course regrets going out with him and I rub it in her face all the time now. This other guy shes trying to now get over has a foot fetish or something and has messed with her emotions supposedly. She kissed me while she was officially with said guy so I dunno when she's going to smarten up and truly pursue something with me. Might be wise for me to just say fuck it and focus on the other girl whom I have no history with.

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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 4:47 pm

Um, my stereo & iPod got stolen Sunday night which pissed me off, and now I'm spending $120 for a new stereo. I can't afford to replace the iPod itself. So yeah, I feel like I'm living the week that music died. You people don't know me -- I sing everywhere/all the time/everything. So if my phone isn't dead I play music as loud as it goes (still sucks) and sometimes I literally just sing to myself in the quiet of my car.

Because of that incident, I'm also a little more paranoid than usual. I'm literally sleeping with a bat. Every time I hear weird sounds, I convince myself an intruder is upstairs or something. Hopefully that'll subside soon.

Ummmm, other than that, I'm getting fucking nowhere on my thesis, and I'm still very single.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 5:09 pm

My wing chun teacher (same guy who gave me a concussion last week), tells me I need to not be so tense and jittery when sparring with him because if I'm tense and jittery he responds by raising the bar and hitting harder and faster "in defence".


It's not so much the criticism in itself, because I am tense, jittery and uncontrolled when I spar with him, but it's only because he always ramps up the speed waaay out of my comfort zone and I get desperate after the fifteenth palm to the face (which in wing chun is rarely more than fifteen seconds in against a dude like him).

It's just such a shitty situation because the practice kinda means the world to me, and I don't know how to meet that critique without sounding all "No, YOU need to relax, bro!".
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 5:19 pm

Kind of annoyed I have to go to my shitty fucking job and stand around with my thumb up my ass all night except for the one hour when everyone in kelowna decides they want to come in and order all at the same time. Not to mention the girl I work with has the mind of a 5 year old so it's more like I'm babysitting half the time. Other than that I'm just peachy.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 6:12 pm

Wow, you guys have the most ridiculous love lives ever lol. If I ever had a girl say "I want to be with you eventually," I would say it's now or never. If she really cares about you that much, then she won't string you along.

Things are good for me at the moment. Been in a relationship for over two years now with an awesome girl.

The only thing that I have to complain about is school and not being able to sleep at night. I stress over things more than most people and I worry more than most people do, and I think it's affecting my sleeping habits. I usually am only able to get about 6 hours of sleep, even if I have the time to get more than that, and for the past few months I have been waking up extremely exhausted. I'm thinking about starting to take sleeping pills.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 8:04 pm

I hate my job but hey, who doesn't?

Other than that life is pretty good.
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 23, 2012 9:24 pm

I have nothing to complain about right now. Tongue
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PostSubject: Re: The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off   The thread where you talk about the shit that has just really fucking pissed you off I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 24, 2012 4:41 am

RespawnedDemon wrote:
Wow, you guys have the most ridiculous love lives ever lol. .

This is probably close to the most sane thing I've ever read from you
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