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 Well that's just stupid...

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2 posters
Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

Posts : 19524
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Registered : 2008-05-06

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Name: Loxxikus
Rank: Sith Cadet
Experience Points: 25/100

Well that's just stupid... Empty
PostSubject: Well that's just stupid...   Well that's just stupid... I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 5:47 am

I had pictures on my iPod. I decided I wanted to add more. So then when I try to add more to it, it says there isn't enough room on the iPod(which was complete bullshit anyway). So I try to re-sync the iPod with just the pictures that were there before. It's still telling me there isn't enough room for them. Plain They were JUST on there. What the fuck?
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Posts : 8997
Age : 33
Registered : 2008-06-01

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Name: Kwee
Rank: Sith Cadet
Experience Points: 25/100

Well that's just stupid... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well that's just stupid...   Well that's just stupid... I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 27, 2008 8:00 am

Gay. I hate my i-pod.
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Well that's just stupid...
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