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 People on ebay are too damn impatient.

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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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People on ebay are too damn impatient. Empty
PostSubject: People on ebay are too damn impatient.   People on ebay are too damn impatient. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2008 5:56 pm

This guy paid me less than a week ago... this guy also has bad feedback on his profile so I waited until the bank cleared the money. This feedback was talking about not getting money on items... He sent me a message asking when his dvd is going to get there like I've been keeping it from him for weeks.

God damn... he's basically ripping me off buying one of my dvds and he complains because he didn't get it over night shipped to him? Blow me, asshole. I just sent him a response that said I already sent the dvd so I wouldn't think more than a week to get to him.

I've had to wait like 2 weeks for an item before. Did I bitch and moan? No... I wondered when it was coming but hell, I'm paying for something cheap and it's not costing me a shit load of money for shipping. I have no reason to complain. Some people are just dicks. If he wanted the movie so god damn bad and right now, he should have taken the time and few extra dollars to go to a store and buy it himself.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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People on ebay are too damn impatient. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People on ebay are too damn impatient.   People on ebay are too damn impatient. I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2008 7:59 pm

What a dick. I usually don't get concerned about an item unless it's been like two weeks since I paid for it, which is rare, and when it does happen, it's because the person I bought from thought they had actually shipped it but didn't, and so they'd ship it out immediately, I'd get it in a few days, and it really doesn't bother me.

Also, lately I've noticed I tend to write a lot of run-on sentences filled with commas rather than periods. I think a week ago I wrote an entire paragraph where the bulk of it was only one sentence.
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Posts : 727
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People on ebay are too damn impatient. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People on ebay are too damn impatient.   People on ebay are too damn impatient. I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2008 8:01 pm

Fuck 'em.
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People on ebay are too damn impatient. Empty
PostSubject: Re: People on ebay are too damn impatient.   People on ebay are too damn impatient. I_icon_minitime

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People on ebay are too damn impatient.
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