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 Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them

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Loxx O)))
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PostSubject: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:47 am

In this lovely age that is tha internets, illogical and unfounded stubbornness and loathing are rampant. I think it's wonderful. So, in this thread I want you to post books you've never read, movies you've never seen, food you've never eaten, music you've never heard, or just anything that you have no business having a strong opinion of. What is not allowed is defending something's that's been mentioned. Because think about it, they hate it without even knowing anything about it. Your oversensitive opinion on the matter isn't going to change anyone's mind. And, chances are, you'll have some sort of completely irrational hatred for something that somebody else holds dear anyway. It's all in good fun! Anyway here's all the stupid lame shit I hate:

Girlfriends lol
The Food Network
Sour cream and guacamole
Politics, and people who have opinions about them
Star Wars
Star Trek
Anime, graphic novels, graphic novel movies and comic book movies, cosplaying, MMO games, and other related fairy shit
Thrash metal
Religion in general, religious discussion
Any poetry written recently enough where the author is still alive
Harry Potter books, movies and fandamonium
Sunglasses as a fashion accessory.
Convertibles that aren't '76 and earlier VW Bugs and within the Santa Cruz county limits.
Friends, Scrubs, Heroes, Lost, 30 Rock, American Idol and spinoffs, The Office, and just about any drama show that's not on a premium cable channel
UFC, MMA, and any other mixed martial arts faggot shit
Grown men who wear the "thong" or "flip-flop" type of sandal, especially if they're expensive.

Last edited by roughdraft_zero on Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:50 am; edited 2 times in total
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:48 am

Wait... wait... you've never seen Star Wars? I'm not trying to defend... I just can't believe someone hasn't seen those movies.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:49 am

m1:35 wrote:
Wait... wait... you've never seen Star Wars? I'm not trying to defend... I just can't believe someone hasn't seen those movies.
It's true. That reminds me:

James Bond movies
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:53 am

My fucking wireless connection went out when I posted.

Not Talking That's absurd never having seen those movies.

Twilight and that entire book series.
Ashley Tisdale
Taylor Swift
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:55 am

m1:35 wrote:
My fucking wireless connection went out when I posted.

Not Talking That's absurd never having seen those movies.

Twilight and that entire book series.
Ashley Tisdale
Taylor Swift
I don't know who or what Ashley Tisdale or Taylor Swift are, so I'll hate them with you.

Also. I imagine you made this face when you saw I don't like/never saw Star Wars:

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[edit]: Twitter too.
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:58 am

Ashley Tisdale is a disney actress/singer. Taylor Swift is a country singer from what I gather.

Really... that picture is fucking awesome. I'm glad I took it tonight.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:11 am

All web comics (I was going to point out Penny arcade specifically, but I've seen enough of those to know for a fact that it's always shit)
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Loxx O)))

Loxx O)))

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:12 am

But you know something about them. So your statement is off topic. Bant.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:15 am

I think knowing a small part of one web comic out of what may or may not be hundreds of thousands of them qualifies me enough to still be an out of line, overly-opinionated ass, thank you very much.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:25 am

I dislike a vast sum of things.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 2:58 pm

i've never seen all the star wars movies, either.

star trek
hannah montana
dodge charger (though since i gathered this hatred from seeing it, maybe it doesn't count)
random people i see
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 3:37 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 3:47 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 5:40 pm

Fight Club
Death Note
Arrested Development

It's taking me way too long to think of these, so I'll just leave it at those four.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:03 pm

You guys are missin' out on some seriously good shit, especially considering the original three Star Wars films are three of the greatest films ever made, The Transformers: The Movie is perhaps THE greatest movie ever made (OK, that's a bit hyperbolic, but I seriously love that cartoon flick), anime and comics are awesome, Arrested Development is awesome, Fight Club is awesome, James Bond is awesome, Perry Bible Fellowship is awesome (one of the only webcomics worth a damn), etc.

Oh, and the newer Dodge Chargers are incredible, although only when we're talking police vehicles.

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 6:37 pm

i'm okay with it as a police car.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 7:19 pm

What is not allowed is defending something's that's been mentioned
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:09 pm

I read that, but I still don't care.

Anyway, I saw a police Charger once that was decked out in armor on the front and sides. There's some of it there in that picture, in the front...but this one I saw was a TOTAL BEAST. It was made for running into vehicles, and also looks really intimidating. And badass.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 9:11 pm

Also, because I was looking up pics for armored police Chargers, I found this totally NON-intimidating and ridiculous picture:

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2009 4:15 pm

Is that a hemi?

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 2:55 am

Fantasy sports.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 2:57 am

Fantasy sport like Quidditch? or whatever the sport in Harry Potter is
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 3:07 am

I think he's talking about ultra-faggoty fantasy sports games; like, you come up with a list of your most ideal players in any given sport, and then hold fantasy matches.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 3:22 am

Abnormal Freak wrote:
I think he's talking about ultra-faggoty fantasy sports games; like, you come up with a list of your most ideal players in any given sport, and then hold fantasy matches.

That's not how it works but this thread is not up for debate on such subjects. monkey
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 3:33 am

However it does work, I bet it's very similar in theme to a guy cornholing another guy. D:

Maybe some salad-tossing followed by a passionate, sweaty kiss as well. And some spooge swapping.
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PostSubject: Re: Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them   Things you hate despite knowing nothing about them I_icon_minitime

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