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 Setting alarm for first time in three weeks

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Registered : 2009-07-18

Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 3:54 am

to wake up in time for my unemployment phone interview lol.

Also, have an otherwise full day. Gotta go downtown and take a typing certification test. Only takes 40 WPM to pass lol. Though if they do anything like cover the keyboard to force me to blind-type I'm screwed. I type 55-60 WPM but I'm staring at the keyboard the whole time.

Then, I'll stop by this seafood restaurant and try to apply for a job there. The website doesn't say anything as far as openings, all it says is to fill out applications in person between 2 and 4 pm. I'm banking on a couple things here: that the woman I met back in February while renting her a car remembers me, and remembers me fondly lol. When we were chatting it came out that she had just moved here from the Bay Area, and I of course let it slip that I am originally from there, as well. We exchanged pleasantries and even recognized each other's old addresses (seriously, she could name stores and streets close to mine and vice versa for me to hers, as well). She then mentioned that she was the bar manager at this restaurant (I almost asked her for a job right then and there lol) and told me about it and even gave me a $40 voucher for the place. So yeah, I hope she still works there, remembers me, and can get me in as at least a barback.

THEN, I will be applying for an exam for a state job.

full day, I KNOW. I'll probably eat out at like Jimboy's or something after it all and get in a round or two of disc golf before the sun goes down. I'm excited to be doing stuff.

[edit]: also the bar manager at the restaurant is hot too lol.
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Posts : 9037
Age : 40
Title : Blüge
Registered : 2008-05-09

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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 7:38 pm

The first time I got unemployment I didn't get an interview. The second time I got unemployment I got an interview. Guess I put the wrong employer down. Silly

The letter says they call as early as 10 am but they called me around 11 am ish I think. Nothing you have to set your alarm for really especially if the phone might wake you up. Tongue
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Posts : 4072
Registered : 2009-07-18

Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 7:59 pm

What do you mean by "wrong" employer? And what would that have to do with getting or not getting an interview?

I didn't go to sleep until 5, and I knew I wouldn't, and when I'm in the early-mid stages of deep sleep like that I have a great ability to ignore phone calls when still asleep. I've even woken up to having 15+ missed calls and the phone being right next to me on high ring volume lol.

Did everything except the seafood place. I went in and grabbed the application, but didn't turn it in then and there. The manager wasn't there at the time and neither was the bar manager I had met before. Actually, still waiting for the state job exam to open, too. I think I got a minute maybe lol.

[edit]: okay, just did the gov job app, kinda. Shit this is needlessly complicated and convoluted. Not only did they want that stupid typing certificate for the measly 40 WPM, but in order to apply for a job you have to register with the website, create a profile, upload a resume and work history, and search for open job listings that also have open exams and applications. You first have to pass the minimum qualifications (which are basically to breathe and speak English, from what I can tell), then apply for an exam if any are open (which, of course, none are for the position I'm trying for), then take the exam in person (which is really just another qualification stage that then takes you to:), then, if you've made it this far, you MIGHT be selected for an interview. They can't just be simple about it and let you apply, you have to jump through their clerical and bureaucratic hoops to even get a peek in the door.
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Posts : 9037
Age : 40
Title : Blüge
Registered : 2008-05-09

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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:24 pm

Well I work at Callaway through a temp agency called Volt. I couldn't remember if the first time if I put Callaway or Volt. So this time I put Callaway and they called me because I was supposed to put Volt.
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Registered : 2009-07-18

Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:51 pm

I thought everybody was supposed to get an interview. All they do is ask how you left your last job and it you're looking for a new job. Then he said he was going to call my last job to "confirm" my testimony.
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Posts : 9037
Age : 40
Title : Blüge
Registered : 2008-05-09

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Name: Vitochka Marianenko
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Setting alarm for first time in three weeks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 12, 2010 12:45 am

Well like I said they didn't call me and it was a 4 month layoff. This time was only 1 month and seemingly because I made a mistake. Well next time I'll put down the right thing and see how it goes. Tongue
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PostSubject: Re: Setting alarm for first time in three weeks   Setting alarm for first time in three weeks I_icon_minitime

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