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 Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)

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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:20 pm

but I'll put it out there for all in case anybody else knows more than me or also wants help in the matter.

OK, so I'm soon to be in the market for a tv for the first time in, like, almost a decade. That means I've paid little attention to technology and what's goin on now. I hear little things and have brief experiences with things at friends' houses and such, but I'm considering actually making my own investment, so I wanna be smart about it.

I know most all about the whole 120hz/240hz/"600hz" craze and all that stuff, but one of the newer things I've only heard about and haven't actually witnessed or researched much on is 24p. What it is is a feature/playback mode that actually displays a film, that was shot on film, at its native framerate of 24 frames per second. This sounds like the greatest thing ever to me if it's done well, and the closest thing to owning a film projector and projection screen that I'll ever come close to affording anytime soon lol.

I've seen it with different handles besides the 24p though, like TrueMotion, CineMotion, etc. (honestly, I don't specifically remember those tags, that's just my memory cranking those out as best it can), but the part where I'm unclear and get thrown for a loop is that I've seen it mentioned on Blu-Ray discs, a feature of Blu-Ray players, and a feature of HDTVs. So, what I'm wondering you actually have to have a 24p Blu-Ray disc...and a 24p-enabled Blu-Ray player...and a 24p-enabled HDTV to watch movies like that? Or does one or two of them replicate the function properly?

And I guess also, are there version of Blu_ray movie discs that are released differently; some as 24p and some as not, that may or may not be identical otherwise?

lemme knowz
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:44 pm

The whole frames per second thing has kind of been a level of technicry I never put much thought into, but far as I know 24fps has something to do with US TVs being 60Hz, whereas in Europe they've had to deal with 4% speedup on 25fps Blu-rays on 50Hz TVs, but I think 24fps have become more of a standard in Europe, possibly, maybe, I'm not sure.

Anyway, I think all US Blu-rays are 24fps, lolz. But yeah, I dunno much about any o' dat,

so here's a Wikipenia link:

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It is worth noting that almost all 24p video produced will be eventually converted to 50 Hz or 60 Hz playback when viewed on a computer or television with the exception of conventional CRT monitors and new HD televisions that natively support multiples of 24 Hz. CRTs can display images at many different refresh rates. New TVs scan and display images at 50 Hz or 60 Hz and then will add their own conversion algorithms.

The production of 24p video that plays on a television at 60 Hz will not be exactly the same as theater film look. It may have some strobe or 'film effect' but lacks the proper film production and film screen viewing.

Yeah, I dunno. *shrug* Kinda goes over my head a little bit.
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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:47 pm

so, it turns out I know more about it than Ab does.

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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:51 pm

You could ask this dude:

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If he doesn't quite have an answer, he could forward you to his brother who knows a shitload about this sort of thing since he's in the profession of video. I WOULDA SENT YOU TO HIM FIRST but his site's down and I dunno his email address.
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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 8:58 pm

site looks to be working WILL DO

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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2011 9:11 pm

Yeah I've heard of the 120 htz thing but not the 24p thing.
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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 8:47 am


Folks got a 3D television. It is neat as hell but programming is very limited and it'll be YEARS before dudes like us can afford one, they is priced up there.
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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 9:39 am

I dunno. Seems like if you're lookin at let's say a fifty-incher that got most your regular new HDTV flair but no 3D and is goin for like $1200, gettin the equal counterpart that also has 3D is like two hundred more. So, it's like an extra 15% in most cases that I've seen.

Not that I particularly care, since I can't really imagine there being anything I really WANT to see in 3D. Maybe when they actually make sets that are both affordable as well as don't require the goofy glasses and just do it in air and there's actually a good amount of programming specifically made for 3D, then yeah I'd probably be down. But that's gotta be at least a decade away.

This 24p feature though, I wants it badz.
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Registered : 2011-01-19

Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 26, 2011 5:53 pm

This is what I have gathered:

The Blu-Ray needs to be able to output 1080p/24fps. And apparently, nowadays that goes for pretty much any Blu Ray player, including the PS3.

Essentially any HDTV will accept that signal and display the video, but unless the HDTV is capable of using a refresh rate that a multiple of 24fps (ie 48, 72, 96, 120 etc). , the TV will have to compensate by displaying some frames multiple times or insert black frames in between, which supposedly leads to some kind of judder.

However, as far as I know, most recent HDTVs have that capability. So find a TV you want in terms of image quality, then make sure it can display 24p properly.

Here's an old list of TVs that support proper 24fps.

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I just ordered a PS3 since I got double salaries this month. Will be exploring the whole 24fps/Blu-Ray thing fully in the coming weeks too.
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Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related)   Flabz is probably the only one with any info or insight here to possibly help me (tv shopping related) I_icon_minitime

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