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 Why Huddle House Sucks...

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4 posters


Posts : 550
Age : 35
Location : my freaking chair, man.
Registered : 2008-07-01

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Name: Aimie
Rank: Sith Cadet
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Why Huddle House Sucks... Empty
PostSubject: Why Huddle House Sucks...   Why Huddle House Sucks... I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 04, 2008 4:58 pm

Basically, because huddle house fucks you in the ass with a sandpaper condom that breaks and you still get aids up your bloody ass.

I was at work yesterday afternoon at three.
I got there on time, I did my side work, I wasn't talking to NOBODY.
She tells me that she needs me to work that night after my shift...
from eleven to seven.
Sixteen straight hours, if you're counting.

I go to help my manager (Christine) finish her pull from the back,
and all of a sudden she starts screaming at me about keeping my mouth shut.

I raised my voice right back and told her I didn't say shit to nobody.
At that point I stopped speaking to Christine.
She left.
I did my job, blah blah blah.
At eleven a'clock, second shift comes in.
The two cooks were okay. Moody but okay.
The other waitress on the floor with me was drunk.

The dishwasher was in the back room doing crack.

And I was expected to run the entire resteraunt.
I don't get paid manager's pay.
I was running the machine, because the drunk couldn't manage.
I was doing all take out orders, which sucked, because then I can't get my table's orders.
I was working her tables with complaints, also inhibiting me from getting to my tables.
And I was washing dishes.
At one a'clock, I'd had all I could take.
I walked out, called Christine, left her a detailed message on how I quit, and went home.

She called and woke me up this morning at eight a'clock,
crying to me about how she didn't know and how I was right to leave,
and how badly she needed me back.
I agreed because I need the money, but damn.
And then she asked me to work again, tonight, eleven to seven.

Supposedly, I'm going to be helping her do the cleaning up and hiring of third shift.
I just want that paycheck.

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Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival

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Why Huddle House Sucks... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Huddle House Sucks...   Why Huddle House Sucks... I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 04, 2008 6:47 pm

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Posts : 727
Registered : 2008-05-19

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Name: Cid
Rank: Sith Cadet
Experience Points: 0/100

Why Huddle House Sucks... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Huddle House Sucks...   Why Huddle House Sucks... I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2008 8:44 pm

Sucks for you.
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Posts : 2929
Registered : 2008-05-06

Why Huddle House Sucks... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Huddle House Sucks...   Why Huddle House Sucks... I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 06, 2008 6:08 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Why Huddle House Sucks...   Why Huddle House Sucks... I_icon_minitime

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