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 So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today

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Registered : 2009-07-18

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 10:44 pm

Not as bad as I remember, but nothing resembling good either.

Looks like I'm gonna start a new streak now, and shoot for fourteen years!
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Posts : 1631
Title : Galder
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 11:05 pm

I went years without eating there as well, something like 8. When I broke my streak and went there about 4 years ago now, it did seem a lot better than I remember it as well, but I stayed away from their hamburgers.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2011 11:26 pm

Also, it wasn't my choice. I was with my trainer and he wanted to stop for food and that's the first thing he saw, and we only had time for the drive thru so I couldn't go to the Wendy's or Del Taco next door Sad
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Posts : 1631
Title : Galder
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 12:39 am

Yeah, when I went I was going to a concert with a friend, and we were in a part of town I didn't know very well at the time, we were pretty late for getting to the show, and we were starving.

He suggested it, and I couldn't see anything else in the nearby area. So, I went.
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Posts : 1556
Title : J-Silky Smooth
Registered : 2009-07-15

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 12:44 am

I love fast food, and always will.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 12:54 am

I like Jimboy's and In-N-Out, but apart from that, it's usually just that I tolerate it and give in for the sake of price and convenience.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 1:22 am

any body eaten at a Five Guys? Hear good things about them, but I'd have to drive 20-30 min to get to one...
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 2:18 am

There's one about twenty minutes from me, and another about forty minutes away. Some friends and I went to the one that was twenty minutes away because it was right next to a movie theater and we wanted to see Paul and try the infamous Five Guys. Our opinions, broken down:

Me - Fries are better, burger's equal. Overall, prefer In-N-Out for the amount of closer locations and the price being literally half of what you'd spent at a Five Guys.

Friend 1 - Likes everything better, doesn't care about spending the extra dollars, but only that there's just the two locations and they're too far.

Friend 2 - Likes In-N-Out better for everything.

It is finally a worthy regional contender for In-N-Out, I say. Everybody I knew in the South/East Coast swore by Whataburger and that place is an absolute pile of shit. Five Guys is actually good. Though technically, they should be disqualified in this regional battle since they're obviously not limited to one region anymore lol.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 3:13 am

Never been to an In-N-Out, but the one time I had Five Guys it was quite good. Fries were the definite highlight.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 5:04 am

I know five guys is supposed to be trans fat free or some ish. Is in n out trans fat free? I have one near by, but I don't eat fast food anymore
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Posts : 9037
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 6:16 am

After_The_Barrel_Roll wrote:
any body eaten at a Five Guys? Hear good things about them, but I'd have to drive 20-30 min to get to one...

They are building one near by, I'll prolly try it out.

I went to McDonalds a couple years ago. I think I had a coupon for something there and decided to try it. Don't remember what it was though.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 10:31 am

Five Guys rules, but it's like the greasiest thing ever. Small Fries is pretty much filled all the way to the top of your bag too, so you're getting a lot of food.
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Posts : 1556
Title : J-Silky Smooth
Registered : 2009-07-15

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 1:08 pm

I've never been to In-N-Out but I want to go to one pretty badly. Five Guys is good though. I eat a shitload of food every time I go though and take massive pewps afterward.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 2:32 pm

Five Guys is pretty good. I'm not a fast food guy at all though. I can't even remember the last time I ate some.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2011 10:35 pm

Five Guys is good but pricey. They do give you a assload of fries so I guess that justifies the price.

I like to try a In & Out someday when I'm next far west.

I do Mickey D's once a week or two, did them today. I typically only do them when I'm on the road on work days.
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Posts : 3074
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 3:28 pm

I don't think we have In-N-Out or Five Guys in Canada.
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Posts : 1631
Title : Galder
Registered : 2011-01-30

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 4:48 pm

In and out will never make it out far east, unless they change their policy.

As it stands now, they never freeze their meat, and so they only will open places that they can drive to within one day of producing it. All of their meat is produced in southern california.

Looking at some articles, it looks like they're planning on opening some in Dallas, but they say they'll have to open a new meat processing plant to do it.
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Posts : 3074
Title : Hookers and blow
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 6:37 pm

Well I live on the west coast so I guess that means I still have hope.
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Posts : 1631
Title : Galder
Registered : 2011-01-30

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2011 6:48 pm

Oh, I forgot about their other company policy, they hate Canadians.
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Title : Hookers and blow
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 1:20 am

well I guess that means I'll just have to stick to Subway.
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Abnormal Freak
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 6:25 am

McDonald's In-N-Out Five Guys.
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Posts : 9037
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 8:29 am

Cghost21 wrote:
well I guess that means I'll just have to stick to Subway.

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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 10:00 am

I like subway but they never put enough meat on at times.
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Posts : 3074
Title : Hookers and blow
Registered : 2011-01-18

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 3:33 pm

Hollow_Viscus wrote:
Cghost21 wrote:
well I guess that means I'll just have to stick to Subway.


What's wrong with Subway?
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Posts : 1631
Title : Galder
Registered : 2011-01-30

So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 12, 2011 3:47 pm

Subway's good, and you can't really complain for the price. They also have much higher quality ingredients, it seems, than they did 15-20 years ago.

Since I live in a college town, though, they're endless amounts of better sandwich shops around. Oddly enough, the Subway that the famed Jared ate at and lost all of the weight at is right down the street from where I work.
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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today Empty
PostSubject: Re: So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today   So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today I_icon_minitime

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So I ate McDonald's for the first time in thirteen years today
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