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 This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does

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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2011 10:12 pm

When I was unemployed for 3/ 4 months I would look every week for a job. I wasn't picky. I didn't get a job.

If you look at his thread about it he wasn't being picky either. In fact sounds like he really dislikes his job. Tongue
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 2:16 am

So on Sunday I'm at home and the prick sends me a message saying, "Hey dude we are on our way home from oregon, probably like 4 hours away, we ran out of toilet paper, can you pick up a couple rolls for the apartment?"

First of fucking all, you didn't even ask if I was busy or where I was. As it happened to be, I was at home lazing around on my day off, but that's not the point. The point is that I could be busy or even out of fucking town for all you know, and we ran out of toilet paper because you had two filthy and retarded guests that within two days burned through half a pack of TP that I bought in the first place. And, YOU are the one who's IN A CAR ON THE WAY HOME. Fucking stop and get some goddamn toilet paper yourself, faggot. I just didn't respond, hoping he'd figure it out.

The goof troop comes in around five, with bags of stuff in each of their hands. He says, "Hey dude, got us some toilet paper!" Then his brother-in-law says, "Yeah, we needed more stuff anyway." Well fucking DUH. And the more stuff they "needed"? More alcohol and snacks to wreck my apartment with, of course. And the stupid part is that they were supposed to leave right when they got back from Oregon. But they just showed up with party supplies and didn't say anything about staying another night. I asked and they said, "Yeah, we're just too tired and already did a lot of driving today so we'll head out in the morning." Understandable enough, whatever.

I go in my room and mess around on my computer and call people to try to find ANYBODY who's willing to do something just so that I can get the fuck out of my place and not have to be around these tools. I hear them from the kitchen talking about what to make for dinner, and my roommate mentions to his sister that he has all the makings for spaghetti and to look in the cupboards (once again, his sister, his guest, is doing EVERYTHING for him, and now also about to make the whole house dinner). A few seconds later I hear her ask him, "What stuff is yours?" He replies, "Only the stuff on the top two shelves in the top cupboard." She then asks, "Are these yours?" He says, "Yes". I was worried, but then felt relieved after she both received specific instructions as well as a visual confirmation from her brother, my roommate.


Cuz I come out thirty minutes later and see that sure enough my god damn spaghetti sauce, garlic bread and spaghetti noodles were all fucking used to make their meal. They see me and say, "Hey, we made spaghetti. You can have some leftovers if you want." I say, "Uh, yeah. You used all my stuff to make your dinner." The sister looks at him and he says to me, "Are you sure, bro?" I tell him yes. Him and her both get up and walk back into the kitchen and he picks up the empty Prego brand spaghetti sauce jar and Ronzoni brand spaghetti noodle pack and says, "These aren't mine?" I tell him no and to look in his shelves in the cupboard. He pulls out spaghetti and spaghetti sauce (both Wal-Mart brand, JUST LIKE FUCKING EVERYTHING ELSE HE FUCKING BUYS) from buried in the back of his shelves and asks me, "THESE AREN'T YOURS DUDE?"


YOU pulled these out from the back of YOUR shelves. Why would I stash my shit in your shelves? Why don't you recognize your own shit that you buy compared to something with drastically different emblazoning and packaging from the shit you buy? And what the fuck does your dumb as rocks sister not understand about "Only the stuff on the top two shelves in the top cupboard." And the garlic bread? Couldn't have even been confused for his because THERE WASN'T ANY OTHER GARLIC BREAD IN THE HOUSE BECAUSE HE NEVER EVEN FUCKING BOUGHT ANY.

Oh, and he also asked them to stay an extra night, again, without asking me or even letting me know. I just kinda said when it was late Sunday night, "So uh, don't you guys have to get up early?" And they just say, "Oh, we're staying an extra day. We're still pretty tired." (I guess one full night and day of rest to recover from a long drive just isn't enough when you're a fat, lazy, over-privileged piece of shit) I asked, "Oh, you mean you're taking another day off from getting the fuck out of my hair to continue to destroy my house?" I didn't really, but I didn't have to ask them if they were because that's what they did.

Oh and today I came home and he's in the shower, with all the lights in the rest of the house on, the TV on, and the DVD he was watching still playing. Not like this is anything out of the ordinary for him, in fact he does it almost every day, I just thought I'd mention it since I don't think I ever have before. But anyway, when he finally gets out of his 30 minute shower (at least, cuz I came in with a takeout pizza, set it down in the kitchen, changed my clothes, made a plate and poured a soda, and watched a whole episode of The Simpsons on DVD before I finally heard the water turn off) and gets dressed, he comes out, says What's up, lifts up his shirt and says, "What do you think?" I say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" He says, "I went tanning today."

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Posts : 3074
Title : Hookers and blow
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 2:29 am

At least be thankful it was only Prego.
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 2:33 am

And don't you think most of these problems could be solved if you actually confronted him about them instead of just turning a blind eye?
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 2:37 am

You're going to have a lifetime of golden stories to tell people by the time you get out of this situation.

You'll have the power to provide endless amounts of entertainment.
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 9:04 pm

jeffnogo wrote:
You're going to have a lifetime of golden stories to tell people by the time you get out of this situation.

You'll have the power to provide endless amounts of entertainment.


So true.
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Registered : 2009-07-18

This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 23, 2011 9:38 pm

Cghost21 wrote:
And don't you think most of these problems could be solved if you actually confronted him about them instead of just turning a blind eye?
Have you not paid attention? His idiocy doesn't go completely un-commented/corrected by me. The times that I do say things to him he clearly is clueless--just has absolutely no idea that he's being an inconsiderate retard. And I can't blow up on him because he thinks I'm his best friend and is clearly a sensitive bitch if he does things like cries and hugs essential strangers over his dumb, shitty girlfriend, doesn't have friends of his own and goes tanning. It might produce an immediate effect from him that I like and provides some relief, but in the end it would run the risk of hurting his feelings and shocking his system so much that he would not be my roommate anymore and leave me out in the mysterious cold on paying rent.
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Posts : 3074
Title : Hookers and blow
Registered : 2011-01-18

This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2011 2:49 pm

I've not been paying much attention, but it seems to me you'll say something, he'll act clueless and instead of actually calling him on it you leave and post about it on here.
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Posts : 4072
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2011 5:11 pm

I tend to stop typing when the last moment of stupidity has rang through; like telling a joke and leaving it right at the punchline. Why would you want to hear about me telling him, "No, dude. When you leave a plate of food out for four days just on the kitchen counter ants and roaches could come"?
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2011 9:52 pm

roughdraft_zero wrote:
I tend to stop typing when the last moment of stupidity has rang through; like telling a joke and leaving it right at the punchline. Why would you want to hear about me telling him, "No, dude. When you leave a plate of food out for four days just on the kitchen counter ants and roaches could come"?

This puts a different light on things. It's good to know you're not a total pussy about it
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2011 9:56 pm

I'm still way more pussy/lax about it than I should be. If he weren't so blissfully ignorant and nice himself it would be really easy to call him out more often and aggressively. But I've also come to the conclusion that he's been living his life this way for almost thirty years so trying to teach him manners and etiquette now would just be a waste of time and energy.
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Posts : 3074
Title : Hookers and blow
Registered : 2011-01-18

This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeSun Apr 03, 2011 11:15 pm

Nah, still sounds to me like instead of actually trying to deal with the problem you're just turning a blind eye and posting about it on here. Which is fine if it works for you, but it would drive me insane.
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2011 12:26 am

I've already told you that's it's not only or strongly doing that as you say, like I actually say or do nothing. I do indeed actually voice up about it, though admittedly not loud or often enough. So yeah.
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Posts : 34
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 7:01 am

roughdraft_zero wrote:
I'm the aretard for not knowing/caring about some shit Liam Nielsen movie? puh-shaw.

So dudebag calls me and asks me about the movie again. I say the same as I told him before, "NO." He says, "All right, yeah you still sound pretty sick, I can see why you'd not want to go out. How 'bout this, I'll come home and make you some tea and we can pick out one of your movies to watch together. SOUND GOOD, BRO?"


Didn't read the rest to see if someone else pointed this out
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 11:21 am

So it has been far too long since the last journal entry...
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 12:05 pm

I think RD finally snapped and killed him.
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 12:53 pm

yourlocalguy wrote:
roughdraft_zero wrote:
I'm the aretard for not knowing/caring about some shit Liam Nielsen movie? puh-shaw.

So dudebag calls me and asks me about the movie again. I say the same as I told him before, "NO." He says, "All right, yeah you still sound pretty sick, I can see why you'd not want to go out. How 'bout this, I'll come home and make you some tea and we can pick out one of your movies to watch together. SOUND GOOD, BRO?"


Didn't read the rest to see if someone else pointed this out
There's no IRONY there. What are you talking about?

And I almost never see him/interact with him anymore since we're both working so much. It's been nice, albeit it forces me to be unproductive in terms of documenting his stupid forays. I still deal with bullshit of his, like leaving a mountain of dishes around everything but the sink and shit like that, but I'm not really having to deal with him directly.

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Posts : 34
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 3:26 pm

You were bitching about him calling Liam Neeson Liam Nielsen, and then you called Liam Neeson Liam Nielsen.
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PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 3:29 pm

Unless you did that for comedic value, but it wasn't really that funny.
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Posts : 1631
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 4:15 pm

Yes, that was the point.
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PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 4:53 pm

Yeah for real. Mos def the point.


It was indeed hilarious. I'm chuckling to myself because of my two month-old joke.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 5:29 pm

possybending wrote:
I think RD finally snapped and killed him.

RD and r_z are two different designations for two different peeps. DO NOT CONFUSE.

Although I think I confused the initialisms a couple times in the past. I think I kept calling r_z "RD" for like a week by accident, and then I said something about RD (talking about Respawned) being a fecking loser, lolz.
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This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 5:44 pm

Most people used to abbreviate me as simply "rd" before Respond came around.
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Abnormal Freak
Abnormal Freak

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Title : hoardin' up
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PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 6:46 pm

I thinks I remember doing this now.

Stupid RD, ruining everything.
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PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2011 7:21 pm

I say Spawnedfish for him, "rd" has and will always be roughdraft to me.
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PostSubject: Re: This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does   This thread will be a running journal for all the stupid/annoying shit my fuckhead roommate does - Page 5 I_icon_minitime

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